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Inua Capital
Our Impact
MCF African Management Initiative

The Fund is a Partnership for Strategic Impact

Our ambitions resonate with the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works strategy, aiming to provide dignified work for 30 million young people in Africa, with a particular focus on young women, by 2023. We're also in sync with MEDA's Strategic Plan, dedicated to creating or sustaining decent work for half a million people in emerging economies by 2030.

The Fund is Contributing to 8 UN Sustainable Development Goals


1 No Poverty

By investing in growth-oriented SMEs in sub-Saharan Africa, with the goal of enabling dignified and fulfilling work for young people, we are combatting systemic issues on the continent that have led to poverty.


2 Zero Hunger

By and creating and sustaining decent work opportunities through our investments in funds that will invest in SME’s, we are also contributing to eradicating hunger.


5 Gender Equality

We are committed to Gender, Diversity Equity and Inclusion principles in all aspects of our work, and we are prioritizing a Gender Lens in all our investing.


8 Decent Work & Economic Growth

This initiative plays a pivotal role in achieving our overarching goal of generating employment opportunities.


9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

We only invest in Investment Vehicles that invest in SMEs that invest in high-impact sectors and operate in Sub-Saharan Africa.


12 Responsible Consumption and Production

We aim to support sustainable businesses and investment practices that promote responsible resource utilization.


13 Climate Action

Through our funding and partnerships, we aim to drive positive environmental impact while fostering economic growth across the African continent.


17 Partnership for the Goals

This work is made possible by a consortium of partners which each play a key role based on their area of expertise.