Our Investment Philosophy and Principles
Shaping Dignified Futures
We believe in prioritizing access to dignified and fulfilling work as a cornerstone for Africa's economic growth.
To realize the continent's ambitious development agenda, we advocate for innovative and proactive approaches to creating employment opportunities, with a special focus on the aspirations of young people, particularly young women.
We actively seek and collaborate with Investment Vehicles dedicated to advancing gender equity in entrepreneurship. Through strategic interventions, we provide both capital investment and business development services, alleviating concerns of risk and fortifying the Investment Vehicles and their portfolio of companies.
These supportive investments catalyze market discovery and market-building, paving the way for a vibrant future and profitable investments in African ventures.

Guiding our Impact
Key Strategies to Make a Difference
Local Wisdom First
We value local knowledge to make sure our projects are a perfect fit for each community we impact.
Everyone Included
We look at everything through a Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (GEDI) Lens for a diverse and fair ecosystem.
Power in Check
We're mindful of power dynamics, forming partnerships that empower everyone.
Values-Driven Partnerships
Our partnerships are built on shared values for meaningful and lasting change.
Money Where It's Needed
We boost financial power at every level, making sure funds reach where they matter most.
Stay Flexible, Stay Smart
We adapt and make smart choices based on evidence, navigating changes as they come.
Big Picture Impact
We see the bigger picture, making sure our investments match the needs of the regions we serve.
Our North Star: Guiding Principles
Every action and decision we make is driven by our commitment to these guiding principles.
1. Agility: We're on a mission for maximum impact.
That's why we've set a goal to deploy 75% of our funding by year four, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.
2. Additivity: We're not here to replace or crowd out efforts.
Our support for Investment Vehicles stands as a unique pillar, complementing rather than substituting existing financing endeavors.
3. Disruption: It's time to shake things up.
We're committed to shifting power dynamics in the investing world, amplifying the agency and influence of young people, especially young women, who have traditionally been left out of capital systems.
4. Sustainability: Our investments aim for more than just financial returns.
We're fostering stability – financially, in leadership teams, and in institutional capacity – ensuring our Investment Vehicles thrive.
5. Catalysis: Success breeds success.
Our effective implementation is a catalyst, not just attracting more capital to Investment Vehicles but inspiring new funds, drawing in more investors, and boosting African capital across the board.